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The MATTERS team is excited to announce the expansion of our follow-up support services. Since 2019, MATTERS has been working to link people with opioid use disorder to long-term, outpatient medication for addiction treatment through its referral platform. The program has expanded to offer barrier-reducing supports such as medication vouchers, transportation vouchers, and peer referrals. Providing follow-up support for individuals with substance use disorder is important for improved patient experience as well as continuity of care and retention in treatment.

What is Follow-Up Support?

MATTERS has a dedicated staff of follow-up support coordinators who contact referred individuals 24-72 hours after their referral was submitted. These staff also follow up with patients 30, 60, and 90 days after being referred to assess any barriers to treatment, ensure connection to their selected treatment provider, and gather information on patient experiences. This follow-up support not only helps strengthen the relationships with the individuals we serve but also provides an opportunity for community feedback. If patients are struggling to utilize the services that MATTERS offers, follow-up support staff can help navigate and eliminate barriers to treatment.

Why is this Important?

To effectively address substance use disorder, it is imperative to listen to the needs of patients and providers who are directly impacted. MATTERS referrals are completed electronically, and its wrap-around services are automatically sent to patients via email or text message. Although this process is efficient, it can be difficult for some patients to navigate the next steps without the direct support from a professional. Now, MATTERS staff follows up with individuals after their referral to gather information about the process and ensure that patients are being supported appropriately.

This service is important not only for patients but also for MATTERS’ referral network partners. Referral sites can now link individuals to an outpatient clinic appointment of their choosing, a medication voucher, transportation voucher, peer referral, and follow-up support in as little as 3 minutes! Network partners can now submit referrals with the added assurance that someone is dedicated to following up with individuals to ensure no one falls through the cracks of the healthcare system.

Learn more about MATTERS’s services or join the rapid referral network by contacting the MATTERS team today.