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1. Introduction

This “Privacy Policy” governs the use of all services provided by Medication for Addiction Treatment & Electronic Referrals, as a division of University Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (“MATTERS”). Such services include but are not limited to the MATTERS platform, website, mobile application, and any offline services (the “Platforms”) that posts a link to this Privacy Policy, and also applies to the use of interactive features, applications, content, downloads and/or other services regardless of how the Platforms are accessed, whether via personal computers, mobile devices or otherwise. MATTERS is the copyright owner of all its content (including images, text, and look and feel attributes) of,,,, and and reserves all rights in that regard.

MATTERS engages in (i) facilitation of rapid referrals from MATTERS and referring organizations (“Referring Organizations”) to outpatient treatment organizations (“Treatment Organizations”) on a 24/7/365 basis; (ii) post-referral engagement, (iii) harm reduction supplies distribution and services, which are used to reduce the negative consequences of human behavior including substance use, (iv) training and education, and (v) research (“Services”). MATTERS only has access to information provided through the utilization of the Platforms or that which was voluntarily provided via the Platforms. MATTERS will not sell this information. This information will only be used by MATTERS when contact is required for the Services.

2. Collection and Use of Information

MATTERS Platforms automatically capture the domain name, IP address, browser type, pages visited, amount of time spent there, and other relevant information about the visit. MATTERS collects and uses protected health information (“PHI”) obtained through the utilization of the Platforms or when voluntarily provided via the Platforms.

Any PHI provided will be used only as permitted by law, including to provide and support the Services requested. Unless consent is specifically provided, PHI will not be sold, rented, licensed, or otherwise shared with third parties other than Referring Organizations or Treatment Organizations to facilitate MATTERS Services. PHI that is voluntarily provided will be retained for as long as MATTERS deems appropriate or for as long as permitted under applicable law.

MATTERS collects non-personally identifiable information in aggregate form for the purpose of (i) improving Services, and (ii) research and education. Such aggregate data may be shared with MATTERS’ partners.

To opt out of any future contact from MATTERS at any time, submit a request through the “Contact Us” portion of or call 765-MATTERS (765-628-8377).

3. Security

MATTERS takes precautions to protect information. When PHI is submitted to the Platforms or by any other means, only MATTERS and its partners will have access to it. Access is restricted to the minimum information necessary and is used for the sole purpose of providing the Services. Devices that access or store PHI are kept in a secure environment. All PHI provided to MATTERS is stored on our secure servers with appropriate safeguards in place.

PHI may be sent via email, text, or other methods for the purpose of appointment reminders, health-related benefits or services (e.g. vouchers), or voluntary testimonials.

No data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while MATTERS strives to protect PHI, it must be acknowledged that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations of the Internet and Platforms, which are beyond the control of MATTERS; (b) the security, integrity, and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged with MATTERS through the Platforms or any other means cannot be guaranteed; and (c) any such information and data may be viewed or tampered with in transit by a third-party.

4. Third-Party Providers

MATTERS may use third-party vendors to perform certain services on behalf of MATTERS and the Platforms, such as developing, hosting, or operating the Platforms. MATTERS may provide these vendors with access to information, or they may directly collect information to carry out the services they are performing. MATTERS may also work with third parties to collect information regarding user activity on the Platforms for purposes such as evaluating effectiveness of MATTERS’ marketing and education campaigns. MATTERS is not responsible for third-party technologies or activities. Third-parties may automatically collect information using their own tracking technologies.

5. Cookies and Privacy Statement

A cookie is a piece of data used to identify visitors to the Platforms. MATTERS may place a temporary “session” or a permanent cookie to customize and enhance the experience of, make improvements to, or report activity of the Platforms. MATTERS’ cookies are not intended to send spam.

6. Linking to Other Websites

MATTERS may provide links to third-party resources through the Platforms. When choosing to use any of the links, MATTERS’ policies no longer apply. Protection of privacy at those other sites will be governed by the privacy policy at that site. MATTERS has selected these entities in an effort to ensure that they respect privacy, but it is still recommended that their privacy policies be read.

7. Changes to this Policy

If MATTERS makes changes to this Privacy Policy, the “Effective Date” listed immediately below will indicate the date the changes took place. Please contact MATTERS with any questions about this Privacy Policy, changes to the Privacy Policy, or unwanted communication from the Platforms at or 765-MATTERS (765-628-8377).

This policy is effective as of October 21, 2024.



I. Introduction

Pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), Medication for Addiction Treatment & Electronic Referrals, as a division of University Emergency Medicine Services, Inc. (“MATTERS”) is legally required to protect the privacy of health information that may reveal identity. This information is commonly referred to as “protected health information,” or “PHI”. It includes information that can be used to identify you, that MATTERS has created or received about your past, present, or future health or condition, and the provision of health care to you. MATTERS must provide you with this notice about its privacy practices that explains how, when, and why MATTERS uses and discloses PHI.

With some exceptions, MATTERS may not use or disclose any more of your PHI than is necessary to accomplish the purpose of the use or disclosure. MATTERS is legally required to follow the privacy practices that are described in this notice.

II. How MATTERS May Use and Disclose Protected Health Information

MATTERS uses and discloses health information for many different reasons. Below describes the different categories of the uses and disclosures and gives examples of each category.

  1. For Treatment. MATTERS may disclose PHI to health care providers and other health care personnel who provide health care services or are involved in care. Additionally, MATTERS’ parent organization, University Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (“UEMS”), through its other divisions (e.g. Telemedicine), provides health care. When providing such services, UEMS adheres to the applicable HIPPA privacy laws for treatment and health care organizations.
  2. Between MATTERS and Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers. MATTERS may use or disclose information between or among personnel having a need for the information in connection with their duties that arise out of the provision of diagnosis, treatment, or referral for treatment of alcohol or substance use, provided such communication is: (i) within the referring center, (ii) within the treatment center; (iii) within UEMS’s treatment facilities; or (iv) between the referring and treatment centers and MATTERS. For example, MATTERS and/or UEMS staff, including doctors, nurses, counselors, and clinicians, and those of drug and alcohol treatment centers, will use your PHI to provide your treatment care. Your PHI may be used in connection with billing statements sent to you and in connection with tracking charges and credits to your account, if applicable. Your PHI may be used to check for eligibility for insurance coverage and prepare claims for your insurance company where appropriate, if applicable. Substance use disorder treatment records shall not be used or disclosed in civil, criminal, administrative, or legislative proceedings, unless based on written consent, or a court order.
  3. For Health Care Operations. MATTERS may disclose your PHI in order to operate its health care delivery system. For example, MATTERS may use your PHI to evaluate the quality of health care services that you received or to evaluate the performance of the health care professionals who provided health care services to you. MATTERS may also provide your PHI to its accountants, attorneys, consultants, and others in order to comply with laws that affect MATTERS. To the extent MATTERS is required to disclose your PHI to contractors, agents, and other business associates who need the information in order to assist with obtaining payment or carrying out business operations, MATTERS will have a written contract to ensure that its business associates also protect the privacy of your PHI.
  4. For Public Health Activities. For example, MATTERS reports information about deaths and various diseases to governmental officials in charge of collecting that information.
  5. For Health Oversight Activities. For example, MATTERS provides information to assist the government when it conducts an investigation or inspection of a health care provider or organization.
  6. Communication Barriers. MATTERS may use or disclose your PHI if it is unable to obtain your consent because of communication barriers, and it is believed that you would want MATTERS to treat you if communication was possible.
  7. Lawsuits and Disputes. MATTERS may disclose PHI if ordered to do so by a court or administrative tribunal that is handling a lawsuit or other dispute.
  8. For Research Purposes. MATTERS may use and disclose your PHI without consent or authorization if approval is obtained through a special process to ensure that such research poses little risk to your privacy. In any case, MATTERS will never allow researchers to publicly use or name your identity. MATTERS may also release your health information without your written authorization to people who are preparing for a future research project, so long as no personally identifiable information is used.
  9. To Avoid Harm. In order to avoid a serious threat to the health or safety of a person or the public, MATTERS may provide PHI to law enforcement personnel or persons able to prevent or lessen such harm.
  10. Appointment Reminders and Health-Related Benefits or Services. MATTERS may use PHI to provide appointment reminders or give you information about treatment alternatives or other health care services or benefits offered and/or provided.
  11. Deidentified Information. MATTERS may also disclose PHI if it has been de-identified. For example, this may occur for research purposes.
  12. Incidental Disclosures. While MATTERS will take reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of PHI, certain unavoidable disclosures of PHI may occur during permissible uses or disclosures of health information. For example, during contact with you regarding referrals, treatment, or other services, other persons, including your friends or family members, may see or overhear discussions of your PHI.

All other uses and disclosures of PHI that are not described in this Article II will be made only with your written authorization. You may revoke an authorization at any time by sending the revocation in writing to 77 Goodell Street, Buffalo, New York 14203 or by contacting the Director of Operations at 765-MATTERS (765-628-8377).

III. You Have the Following Rights with Respect to your PHI.

  1. The Right to Request Limits on Uses and Disclosures of Your PHI. You have the right to request that MATTERS limits how it uses and discloses your PHI. MATTERS will consider your request, but it is not legally required to accept it. If your request is accepted, MATTERS will put any limits in writing and abide by them except in emergency situations. You may not limit the uses and disclosures that MATTERS is legally required or allowed to make.
  2. The Right to Choose How PHI is Sent to You. You have the right to request that MATTERS send information to you at an alternate address or by alternate means. MATTERS will agree to your request so long as the information can easily be provided to the location and in the format requested.
  3. The Right to See and Get Copies of Your PHI. In most cases, you have the right to look at or get copies of your PHI, but you must make the request in writing. If MATTERS does not have your PHI but knows who does, MATTERS will provide instructions on how to get it. MATTERS will respond to you within 30 days after receiving the written request. In certain situations, requests may be denied. If denied, MATTERS will provide notification, in writing, for the reasons for the denial. You have the right to have the denial reviewed. If you request copies of your PHI, MATTERS will charge you a fee for each page. Instead of providing the PHI requested, MATTERS may provide a summary or explanation of the PHI provided this and the associated costs were agreed upon in advance.
  4. The Right to Get a List of the Disclosures Made. You have the right to get a list of instances in which MATTERS has disclosed your PHI. The list will not include uses or disclosures that you have already been informed of, such as those made for treatment, payment or health care operations, directly to you, to your family, or in our facility directory. Your request must state a time period for the disclosures you want included. MATTERS will respond within 60 days of receiving the request. The list will include the date of the disclosure, to whom PHI was disclosed (including their address, if known), a description of the information disclosed, and the reason for the disclosure. MATTERS will provide the list to you at no charge, but if you make more than one request in the same calendar year, you will be charged for each additional request.

To invoke any of these rights, if you have any questions about this notice or any complaints about our privacy practices, or if you would like to know how to file a complaint with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, please contact us via e-mail at, call 765-MATTERS (765-628-8377), or send a request to the Director of Operations at 77 Goodell Street, Buffalo, New York 14203.

If MATTERS makes changes to this HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices, the “Effective Date” listed immediately below will indicate the date the changes took place. MATTERS reserves the right to change the terms of this notice and its privacy policies at any time. Changes will apply to the PHI currently in MATTERS’ possession. When MATTERS makes an important change to its policies, it will promptly change this notice and post a new notice. To request a copy of this notice or changes to this notice, please e-mail, call 765-MATTERS (765-628-8377), or send a request to the Director of Operations at 77 Goodell Street, Buffalo, New York 14203.

This notice is effective as of October 21, 2024.